The Story of TREBLE
Where it all started and where we are trying to go next
The idea for TREBLE began in 2016 when my wife and I purchased a convertible billiard and dining table.
Initially, I was excited! This dual-purpose table meant we could enjoy family meals while also hosting fun pool games in the same space. However, I quickly discovered the challenges. Each of the four tabletop segments weighed nearly 30 pounds, which made them difficult to move. Standard dining chairs were too low for the table's height, creating an uncomfortable seating situation. Plus, there wasn’t enough room to push the chairs out of the way for a game of billiards. In my quest for practical convenience, I decided to build custom-height benches that could fold up their legs and be hidden under the table. However, raising the seating solved one problem but also created another. It turned out my thighs often brushed against the underside of the pool table, making it uncomfortable to sit, and not having a backrest did not help the situation. Benches are great for Beer Gardens, not so much for dining rooms.

Frustrated with these design limitations, I began researching existing convertible billiard tables, only to find that none met my criteria. I was looking for an easy, single-person conversion of the table top, comfortable seating that could be stored away, and a contemporary sleek design to make it a good-looking centerpiece of our living room. Most options had heavy, detached table tops, uncomfortable bench seating and did not look great. This lack of suitable designs inspired me to create my own!
After numerous sketches and concept iterations, I came up with a unique solution: tabletop segments attached with hinges that fold under the table when not in use. Recognizing the potential, I decided to file for a patent. Navigating the patent process was a challenge, but with the support of the USPTO's Pro Se Program and a conscientious patent examiner, the patent (US#11844999) was granted in December 2023.

During this time, I also worked with friends and family to advance other aspects of the project, developing 3D models and refining the design. We named the table "TREBLE" (Transformable Entertainment Tables) and set out to find a manufacturer. The COVID pandemic made this more challenging, but with help from an Italian friend, I connected with Mariano Maggio, owner of MBM Biliardi Italia. After watching a video animation of TREBLE, he was enthusiastic about producing the first prototypes!

It took some learning and several iterations until the first functional TREBLE table was complete. It started its journey across the ocean and through US customs to arrive in my home in Cincinnati in March 2024. The moment I saw the final product in our living room was amazing. The tabletop converted seamlessly in under a minute! While the table itself exceeded my expectations, I still had to solve the seating challenge. But I had a plan. I found a stylish set of folding chairs from Expand Furniture, and modified the table base to create a pull-out storage cart for them. By the fall of 2024, I had completed the first full TREBLE dining set that met all my initial criteria!

What's next for TREBLE? I’m passionate about making this unique table available to others!
However, I need help. While options like a Kickstarter campaign or presenting TREBLE on Shark Tank sound appealing and would help to create visibility for the idea, these things require considerable time and effort that I prefer to dedicate to ideation, design, and prototyping of new models. Anyone who shares my excitement about the prospect of bringing TREBLE to market is invited to help.
Join me on this exciting journey, and let’s bring TREBLE to life together!
Uwe Schneider
Founder of JRTUPS LLC